Seemingly simple and yet very sukshma is the practice of Self Enquiry advocated by Shree Bhagwan Ramana Maharishi. Available only to the advanced saadhak with a ripe mind, this practice is not only effective, but also immediate.
The Atmasakshatkar available as a living experience in the immediate now is it’s reward. It does not need or rely on creating any special space, time or ambience for saadhna. No rituals, idols, techniques or assets. It is its own path as well as its arrival to arrive at the self.
How does one train one’s mind to cultivate such self awareness. It is by complete trust and deep surrender to the Guru’s Mahavakya of his promise of never ending grace for you. And by working out the muscle of atma vichara in every waking moment of your life.
Through every season of life, across every time dimension and apart from all worldly or spiritual identities you may be carrying, keep working steadfastly to do the self enquiry until it becomes your default state. That’s a occurance that won’t happen with your mere effort. Beg for Guru’s grace and remain unflinching in your faith. Sooner or later, the samskara of Atma Vichara will enable you to be qualified for the grace and then will happen the inner explosion of Sat-Chit-Ananda!
Jai Bhagwan!
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