Dr Pallavi Kwatra

May be an image of 1 person, rhinoceros and elephant

Most of us are chasing ideas of the enlightenment of others, not even pausing a moment to witness, applaud and own up our own unique journey and it’s powerful throwbacks. The idea archetypes of how others got self realised is their story, not yours. So how does it help you? It surely entertains you and gives you mirages and beautiful visions of your own. It keeps you latched to the idea that One fine day…it will eventually happen to you too.
The pursuit of enlightenment is its own trap and the mind is the sieve through which grace cannot pass. Hence, the more you know, the more it keeps you chasing for more knowledge, power and experiences that endorse that you know more than others. It’s a recurrent pattern if you can pause and watch it.
So stop being the elephant of your mind pushing yourself into the driver seat of enlightements car.
Just relax and watch the play!

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