Dr Pallavi Kwatra

To Learn Or Experience a Kalavahana Shakti Activation Ritual: https://old.drpallavikwatra.com/kalavahana-shakti-ritual/

In the Sri Vidya tradition, the invocation of cosmic intelligence is a profound practice aimed at harmonizing the practitioner’s inner energies with the universal forces. One of the key elements of this practice involves the invocation of the Ten Kalās of Fire. These kalās, or aspects, are essential components of the cosmic intelligence that permeates the elements—earth, fire, water, air, space, and time. In this blog, we will delve into the significance of these kalās, their invocation, and the specific mantras associated with each.

Invocation of the Kalās

To fully integrate the cosmic intelligence into oneself, it is essential to invoke the kalās present in all elements: the earth, the fire, the water, the air we breathe, the space we inhabit, the time that shapes our existence, and the immortal essence within us. This invocation helps align our individual consciousness with the universal consciousness, fostering spiritual growth and enlightenment.

Mantra for Invocation:

Aim hrīm śrīm agnim dūtam vṛṇīmahe hōtāram viśvavēdasam asya
yajñasya sukratum rām rīm rūm raim raum raḥ ramala varayūm agni
maṇḍalāya namaḥ

The Journey of Fire from Mūlādhārā to Ājñā

The fire within us begins at the mūlādhārā (root) chakra and the svādhiśthāna (sacral) chakra, initially manifesting as lust or primal energy. As it ascends through the chakras to the ājñā (third eye) chakra, it transforms into the flow of time—past, present, and future.

  • Past (Right Eye): Associated with Lord Śiva, the lord of the past (bhūtanātha).
  • Present (Third Eye): The seat of immediate perception and consciousness.
  • Future (Left Eye): Linked to the Devī, the creatrix who brings the future into the present.

Meditation Visualization

Visualize a bright, fierce fire burning at the mūlādhārā chakra of the Devī, with its fiery tips extending up to Her three eyes. This fire represents the ten kalās, which are invoked into the base chakra, imagined as a homa kuṇḍam (sacrificial fire pit).

Location of the Ten Kalās

  1. First Three Kalās: Situated in the petals of the svādhiśthāna chakra indicated by the seed letters yam, ram, and lam.
  2. Next Four Kalās: Located in the four petals of the mūlādhārā chakra indicated by the seed letters vam, śam, and ṣam.
  3. Final Three Kalās: Found in the three eyes, at the ājñā chakra.

The Ten Kalās of Fire

Each kalā corresponds to a specific aspect of fire, represented by a seed letter and a mantra:

  1. Dhūmrārciṣ (Smoke from Clitoris):
    Aim hrīm śrīm yam dhūmrārciṣē namaḥ
  2. Ūṣmā (Heat from Left Labia):
    Aim hrīm śrīm ram ūṣmāyai namaḥ
  3. Jvalinī (Glow Coming into the Fire):
    Aim hrīm śrīm lam jvalinyai namaḥ
  4. Jvālinī (Flame from Inside Vagina Entering):
    Aim hrīm śrīm vam jvālinyai namaḥ
  5. Visphuliṅginī (Sparks Issuing/Sparks from Around the Cervix):
    Aim hrīm śrīm śam visphuliṅginyai namaḥ
  6. Suśrī (Blessing from the Cervix):
    Aim hrīm śrīm ṣam suśriyai namaḥ
  7. Surūpā (Beautiful/Honey Flowing from the Cervix):
    Aim hrīm śrīm sam surūpāyai namaḥ
  8. Kapilā (Yellow):
    Aim hrīm śrīm ham kapilāyai namaḥ
  9. Havya Vāhā (Consuming Ghee):
    Aim hrīm śrīm lam havya vāhāyai namaḥ
  10. Kavya Vāhā (Consuming Food Offerings/From Left Eye):
    Aim hrīm śrīm kṣam kavya vāhāyai namaḥ

Agni Kalā: The Fire Aspect

Agni, the fire deity, plays a crucial role in these invocations. Agni represents the transformative power of fire, which purifies, illuminates, and empowers. The Agni Kalā rituals involve invoking Agni’s presence to burn away impurities and awaken the divine fire within.

The Role of Agni Kalā in Sri Vidya

Benefits of Agni Kalā:

  • Purification: Burns away impurities and negative energies.
  • Transformation: Transforms lower energies into higher spiritual vibrations.
  • Empowerment: Awakens the inner divine fire, empowering the practitioner.


The integration of the Ten Kalās of Fire and the Agni Kalā into the practice of Sri Vidya offers a powerful pathway to spiritual awakening and transformation. By invoking these cosmic aspects, practitioners can harmonize their inner energies with the universal forces, leading to profound spiritual growth and enlightenment. Embrace these practices with dedication and reverence, and experience the transformative power of the divine fire within.

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