It’s often allmost impossible for us to pause even when we are experiencing pain on many levels. As the conditioning to keep pushing beyond our limits to prove a point to ourselves is always prime point in our heads. We have been programmed to be hard working and meticulous in all that we undertake and we even tackle our pain in the exact same fashion. We fail terribly but we are head strong on trying. Something just doesn’t feel right when we are handling our pain with our aggression rather than our tenderness.
But we don’t know how to break this pattern. There is only one way out of this repititive idea of pushing beyond our limits to accomplish everything including our healing….It is to
pause. Just sit with your pain face to face and let it pass over you. Even if it takes forever… There is no other way around it.

You have to encounter it someday rather than pushing it under the carpet. So…take time out and simply sit with yourself… Even if healing does not happen, atleast you will experience relief from the agony and self tortured pushing you are inflicting yourself with. The pause will soothe you after you learn to see it’s emptiness…
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